In Memory

Eric T Carson

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01/12/15 11:20 AM #1    

Peter C. Brown

Sadly, I've been informed by the Executrix of Eric's estate that he died August 20, 2014 of an apparent heart attack.  If anyone has further information I hope you will post it.

Peter Brown

04/17/15 01:44 AM #2    

Sunny Moss

I was having breakfast with Eric usually about once a month ever since I discovered that he was living in the next town.  We were both members of the Beach Cities Health District gym facility.  That's how I discovered him -- when he was the volunteer of the month, shortly after I joined.  He had been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and I had the feeling it was starting to progress.  The last breakfast was at the end of June.  I left on vacation to the British Isles the day before he died.  When I got home, I got busy and didn't attempt to make contact.  Since the beginning of this year, I have had a health issue myself (I'm glad to say that because of my stubborness and an excellent surgeon that it is almost behind me).  I'll see if I can find out anything more to add.  He was still the same Eric as he was in high school, only with the most handsome grey hair.  He worked in the aerospace industry during its hey day and spent retirement traveling to visit friends, taking trips with his brother and enjoying classical music concerts in and around the South Bay.    He volunteered at the Health District and at the Madronna Marsh, a wetlands preserve in Torrance.  I'll miss him and his wry sense of humor.

Sunny Moss


04/17/15 09:03 AM #3    

Peter C. Brown

So good to hear from you Sunny.  Eric was a real favorite of mine as well, and I was quite saddened to hear of his death.  I expect he really enjoyed seeing you.  Unfortunately, while we had stayed in touch, I did not get to see him.   Good to hear you are on the mend and sorry you've been ill.


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